Sunday, July 25, 2010

My lines are down, you can't call me.

"All things are created equal"...and are always "loosely based" on another idea. These days we have reality television shows such as The Jersey Shore, Atlanta Housewives, The Hills, Survivor and Lebron's The Decision. Horrible tv that sucks ass and is full of people trying to become famous without having to go to some fancy art school to hone their craft. Reality tv is the easy way out! It's the lazy way in! All of these horrid shows are direct descendants and "loosely based" on a little show entitled The Real World. The Real World premiered in 1993 and the idea of it was a few cameramen following around young people and waiting for one of them to snap and do or say something crazy. What an ingenious idea! Until, fast forward 17 years and one ugly black man with a clock hanging around his neck chasing around stinky tail and reality tv has made an ass of itself. I watch The Real World to this day because I've got the utmost respect for it being the godfather of all reality shows. You can have Flava Flav! I've got Pedro Zamora bitch! You can take Jeff Proebst. I've got Eric Nies bitch! Don't know who that that shit!

I've got a great movie idea. This entire nation of people overtake a certain region of a country and occupy it for a long period of time, like Chinese Dynasty shit. For defamation of character reasons we shall refer to these people as "The Stingy's." The Stingy's control everything that happens in the city of "Boobieland" located in the country of not the football league..we're pretend naming things. Anyways, The Stingy's produce films in Boobieland and more often times than not they sink money into horrible action movies and chick fliks while low-budget independent films receive all the awards. In Boobieland there's a genius actor that is also a highly underrated director. Again for defamation of character reasons we shall call him Biff Webster. Biff has written, directed and starred in blockbuster movies and some have received awards of the highest honor. One day Biff directs and produces a movie that exposes The Stingy's for what they are and reminds everyone of their past sins. The Stingy's have always been associated with one huge historic event that doesn't make them look like the greatest people. (Side note time: Mexicans have never had one major screw up as a people. Sure they're in the news and most of the time it involves immigration but can you name one time when we as a people have completely embarrassed ourselves? You can't and if you can then I pray a man named Hector Elizondo shoots you in your sleep tonight.) Anyways, Biff's movie is misunderstood but does great at the box office by industry standards and is of course hated by The Stingy's and anyone doing business with them. The Stingy's do not make their feelings public but take every opportunity they get to ruin Biff's life. They paint Biff into a bad picture and drive him and his career down the drain (side note time: in Russian accent "Hops down the fucking drain" ~ John Malkovich). Biff actually goes on a racist tirade against The Stingy's and it becomes a highly publicized event. Biff's life goes into a downward spiral and since The Stingy's control Boobieland and everything in it, Biff is no longer seen as a true movie star. Even Biff's bitch wife gets in on the act and extorts him for money. By the way Biff's wife is not a Stingy even though, at times, she behaves like one. Biff's life has effectively gone to shit!

I don't have an ending to my movie yet but I'm thinking Biff goes on a killing spree, murdering all of The Stingy's in Boobieland and then turns himself in during the Oprah Winfrey show...because everything that is dramatic and pretentious happens on the Oprah Winfrey show. I also have come up with a title for this movie. I shall call it..."The Passion of the Mel Gibson".

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